( #1 ) In Search Of Good Practice And Innovation In Mathematics Teaching And Learning: A Malaysian perspect
This paper begins with a description of good practice of mathematics teaching as perceived by the Malaysian perspective. The sources of discussion include those from the school curriculum, local related research studies and the practicing mathematics teachers. The second part of this paper will focus on a small research project that promotes practices of good mathematics teaching through the Lesson Study model. Issues and challenges that we faced in introducing Lesson Study as an innovative model of teacher professional development will be discussed.A video clip of one of the lesson planned and taught during one of the Lesson Study cycle will also be displayed for further discussion.
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( #2 ) Seminar Proceedings On Best Practices Innovations in the Teaching and Learning of Science and Math
This document presents the proceedings from the August 11-15, 2003 Seminar on best practices and innovations in the teaching and learning of science and mathematics at the primary school level, held in Malaysia. It discusses the relationship between problem-solving and language use.
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( #3 ) Using ICT to Prepare Learners for the 21st Century: The Perspectives of Eastern APEC Economies
This draft article was written by a researcher from China's Tsinghua University, Dr. Jianwei Zhang, for the APEC Summit on Education Reform. The paper depicts an overview of the development of ICT in schools in Eastern APEC economies. This includes planning and management, hardware infrastructures, resources and services, staff development, and the practices of educationally using ICT. The cultural impacts and directions for the future development are also discussed focusing on the widespread uses and integrations of ICT in education that can enhance sustainable innovations.
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( #4 ) Mexico Education Progress Report 2001-2003
This Spanish language document points to a reports that details the educational progress made in the first three years of the present administration as a result of the effort between the central, state and municipal governments, with the participation of different sectors from society.
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( #5 ) Data from TIMSS on Teachers and Instruction
This U.S. document is a compilation of excerpts, presented in a spreadsheet, that relate to mathematic teachers and instruction. They are taken from the 1999 Third International Mathematics and Science Study prepared by Boston College (in English).
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( #6 ) Using Data to Influence Classroom Decisions
This report offers insight on how and why one should use data-driven results to improve teaching and learning in the classroom.
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( #7 ) How Can a Tertiary Education Strategy Drive Economic Growth?
This discussion paper from the 4th APEC Ministers' Meeting on Regional Science and Technology Cooperation proposed a relationship between strengthening terteriary education and promoting economic growth in APEC economies. The paper proposes internal policy strategies for APEC members to pursue as well as means for cooperating.
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( #8 ) World Transformed: Preparing Students for the 21st Century, A
This English-language power-point report was presented at the 2004 Summit on Education Reform in the APEC Region. Vivien Stewart reflects on the skills students require in the 21st century context - including knowledge of core content, communication skills and the ability to use technology. Stewart reports on how students currently perform in these areas and lays out the challenge for educators in APEC.
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( #9 ) Curriculum Standards from South Korea
South Korea's education has also traditionally been excellent as suggested in international studies. But it has undertaken major efforts to reform its curriculum. This site includes an English version of its reformed currcullum structure and general goals.
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( #10 ) Promising Practice: Super English Language High Schools (SELHi) in Japan
This promising practice, written in anticipation for the 3rd APEC Education Ministerial Meeting, describes the Japanese Ministry's new initiative to promote English-Language instruction: the Super English Language High Schools.
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( #11 ) A Chart Book on Math and Science
Review of TIMSS data related to achievement, instruction, teacher characteristics, and student achievement for grades four and eight.
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( #12 ) Better High Schools
This U.S. site of the National High School Center links research and resources for better high schools. The National High School Center is a central source of information and expertise on high school improvement issues for the Regional Comprehensive Centers. In helping the Comprehensive Centers build capacity of states across the nation to effectively implement the goals of No Child Left Behind relating to high schools. It identifies effective programs and tools, offers friendly products and provides high-quality technical assistance to support the use of research-based approaches within high school learning communities.
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( #13 ) EDUNET Educational Resource
This Korean and English-language web portal, operated by KERIS (Korea Education & Research Information Service), provides K-12 teachers with instructional materials, classroom management materials, clinical supervision materials, online instructional materials, and public resources. Its features include e-learning, cyber teachers, computer simulations and animations, and teaching modules.
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( #14 ) What the United States Can Learn From Singapore’s World-Class Mathematics System
This exploratory study compares key features of the Singapore and U.S. mathematics systems in the primary grades, when students need to build a strong mathematics foundation. It identifies major differences between the mathematics frameworks, textbooks, assessments, and teachers in Singapore and the United States. It also presents initial results from four pilot sites that introduced the Singapore mathematics textbook in place of their regular textbooks.
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( #15 ) Curriculum Standards of Singapore
Singapore has consistently excelled in international comparative studies in mathematics and sceince. Many researchers have attributed its success to its well organized curriculum. At this site, organized by the Singaporean Ministry of Education, you can curriculum standards or subject syllabuses as they are referred to as in Singapore.
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