By Topic > Using Technology (122)
Technology holds great potential for better preparing students and providing adults with continuous learning opportunities. However, introducing technology in education has inherent challenges. The following address policy makers' and educators' efforts to shape clear goals and plans; manage resources and stakeholders; support teachers' capacity to use technology; address the digital divide; and evaluate the effectiveness of using technology in education.
All APEC Members
- Global Distance Education Network, The World Bank resources on distance learning for educators and policymakers. The site is organized around four themes: Teaching & Learning, Policy & Programs, Technology, and Management. Get More Detail
- Symposium on APEC Symposium on Open Source and Open Course for E-Learning This entry summarizes the APEC Education Network symposium that took place in Hanoi, Viet Nam in 2006. It describes E-learning approaches to facilitate and enhance learning by means of personal computers, CDROMs, and the Internet. Open Source software can be freely adapted by any organisation or individual to explore a new idea about learning or technology, or to change the behaviours of software to address their own learners' particular needs. Get More Detail
- UNESCO ICT Portal for Teachers This site provides information and helpful steps encouraging teachers use ICT to enhance their teaching. This portal is part of an Asia-Pacific Programme on ICT in Education run by UNESCO's Asia and the Pacific Bureau of Education and sponsored by the Japanese Government through Japanese Funds-in-Trust. Get More Detail
- World Links This website (available in Spanish and French) provides information about a teacher training program and international networl for collaborative projects and integration of technology into learning. World Links began as a pilot project of the World Bank where it served over 130,000 students and teachers. Get More Detail
- Education Week: Technology Report: Chat with Kevin Bushweller This online session, conducted by the Washington Post, with Kevin Bushweller from the publication Education Week focuses on "Technology Counts 2004:" a special report covering the state educational technology throughout the world. Get More Detail
- World Transformed: Preparing Students for the 21st Century, A This English-language power-point report was presented at the 2004 Summit on Education Reform in the APEC Region. Vivien Stewart reflects on the skills students require in the 21st century context - including knowledge of core content, communication skills and the ability to use technology. Stewart reports on how students currently perform in these areas and lays out the challenge for educators in APEC. Get More Detail
- 2003 e-learning readiness rankings: A white paper from the Economist Intelligence Unit This English-language report produced by the Economist Intelligence Unit provides for the first time rankings of "e-learning readiness" for the 60 largest countries of which 18 are APEC members. E-learning readiness indicates ability to produce, use and expand Internet-based learning. Of the top five listed, three were APEC members. Get More Detail
- Technology Counts 2000: Global Links "Technology Counts 2004" is the seventh edition of the U.S. trade newspaper, Education Week's, annual report on educational technology. The report presents a groundbreaking overview of technology in schools around the world, examining data, lessons, and trends in North America, Asia, Europe, South America, Africa, and the Australia/Pacific region. Get More Detail
- Symposium on APEC Symposium on Open Source and Open Course for E-Learning This entry summarizes the APEC Education Network symposium that took place in Hanoi, Viet Nam in 2006. It describes E-learning approaches to facilitate and enhance learning by means of personal computers, CDROMs, and the Internet. Open Source software can be freely adapted by any organisation or individual to explore a new idea about learning or technology, or to change the behaviours of software to address their own learners' particular needs. Get More Detail
- Questacon Smart Moves This site provides information on an initiative to bring science and technology to students and their communities in regional and rural areas who might not otherwise have access to these resources. Questacon also provides resources to further promote and assist all students with information on science and technology. Get More Detail
- Australia’s Cooperative Research Centres Australia’s Cooperative Research Centres Programme links researchers with industry to focus research and development efforts on progress towards utilisation and commercialisation. It also has a strong education component with a focus on producing graduates with skills relevant to industry needs. Get More Detail
- Learning in an Online World: A Schools Education Action Plan for the Information Economy This document from Australia outlines the role of school leaders in implementing the national framework for changes in education technology. The document includes strategies that school leaders can implement to support the goals of reform in education technology. The Schools action plan is currently under review for 2003-06, with particular priority to be placed on the provision of high-speed bandwidth access and services to schools, covering urban, rural and remote Australia. Get More Detail
- Australian Flexible Learning (AFL) for the Information Economy This website provides information and resources about the Australian Flexible Learning (AFL) Framework, one of the strategies implemented to support Vocational Education and Training. The AFL Framework Mission is: ‘to help our industries and citizens make a rapid and successful transition to the Information Economy by adding value to Australia’s VET system of flexible learning’. Get More Detail
- Way Forward: Higher Education Action Plan for the Information Economy, The This plan from Australia addresses the role of universities as the fundamental drivers for the knowledge economy. The document sets out strategic priorities for the higher education sector in response to the five key Action Areas outlined in the "Education and Training Sector Action Plan for the Information Economy." Get More Detail
- New South Wales Science and Technology Syllabus and Support Documents This Australian website provides educational resources for teaching Science and Technology to students grades K-6. It includes the "Science and Technology Syllabus and Support Document," which provides expected learning outcomes for students, as well as "Science and Technology Outcomes and Indicators" and "K-6 Science and Technology in Action - Updates from the Classroom." Get More Detail
- Learning for the Knowledge Society: An Education and Training Action Plan for the Information ... This report, released in September 2000, is Australia's educational technology action plan for the education and training sector as a whole. The report includes strategic priorities, and a set of action plans for each part of the education sector. It focuses on: People; Infrastructure; Online content, Application and Services; Policy and Organisational Framework; and Regulatory Framework. Get More Detail
- Questacon Smart Moves This site provides information on an initiative to bring science and technology to students and their communities in regional and rural areas who might not otherwise have access to these resources. Questacon also provides resources to further promote and assist all students with information on science and technology. Get More Detail
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) curriculum -- Alberta, CA This site provides access to Alberta Canada's Information and Communication Technology (ICT) curriculum. The Curriculum is intended to provide students with a broad perspective on the nature of technology, how to use and apply a variety of technologies, and the impact of information and communication technologies on themselves and on society. The ICT curriculum is not intended to stand alone, but rather to be infused within core courses and programs. The site also links to Illustrative Examples, a Classroom Assessment Tool Kit, and Sample Scope and Sequence Resources among other professional resources. Get More Detail
- e-learning Ontario (Canada) In September 2005, the Minister of Education of Ontario, Canada created e-learning Ontario from its previous program Ontario Knowledge Network for Learning (OKLN) to provide public education through on-line courses and digital resources. This Canadian web portal is available in English and French. Get More Detail
- Trends in the Integration of ICT and Learning in K-12 Systems This brief paper prepared for the Canadian group, SchoolNet, describes aspects of the current context of education in Canada, selected trends in the integration of information and communications technologies (ICT) for learning in the kindergarten to grade education systems and offers observations about emerging visions of effective ICT integration. The ideas presented represent a synthesis of information reviewed in research, reports, policy papers, selected seminars and surveys. A bibliography of sources is provided. References are included only when a specific resource has been relied upon. Get More Detail
- Campus Saskatchewan This website provides information about Campus Saskatchewan, a partnership of the Canadian province's post secondary institutions, the provincial government and other agencies to support the use of technology enhanced learning. Among other services, Campus Saskatchewan maintains a directory of Saskatchewan post-secondary credit courses and programs delivered using alternative delivery methods, such as online, televised, or independent study. Get More Detail
- Saskatchewan Educational Technology Consortium This website provides information about Saskatchewan, Canada's Educational Technology Consortium, which has been created to lead the use of technology through partnerships and collaboration to achieve the goals of K-12 public education in Saskatchewan. The Consortium is working with Saskatchewan Learning to connect teachers and students to each other and the world through CommunityNet; working collaboratively with school divisions to develop web-based learning resources; supporting innovative teaching and learning; and providing leadership for e-business opportunities in the education sector. Get More Detail
- Ontario Curriculum Unit Planner The Ontario Curriculum Unit Planner/Planificateur is an installed software program that contains the entire Ontario curriculum expectations from Kindergarten to Grade 12, and provides a consistent format for teachers to design, share, adapt, and manage curriculum units, programs, and profiles linked to the curriculum. Hundreds of units and resources are available for download and adaptation. Available in English and French. (See the French version at: Get More Detail
- e-learning Ontario (Canada) In September 2005, the Minister of Education of Ontario, Canada created e-learning Ontario from its previous program Ontario Knowledge Network for Learning (OKLN) to provide public education through on-line courses and digital resources. This Canadian web portal is available in English and French. Get More Detail
- EducarChile: An Educational Portal This Spanish-language web portal was designed to provide teachers, students, family members and researchers in Chile with a variety of educational resources available in a fun and easy to use format. Enlaces, the Ministry's group dedicated to integrating ICT into the schools, has developed lesson guidelines for teachers on the Portal to help them cover specific curriculum objectives. Get More Detail
- Enlaces: the Chilean ICT in Education Program This presentation, prepared for the 3rd APEC Education Ministerial Meeting, described Chile's major investement in educational technology, known as Enlaces. The slides describe the program's development , implementation in rural schools and the challenges faced in the coming years for using technology as a driver of change in Chile. Get More Detail
- Red Enlaces Abierta a la Comunidad/Enlaces Network Open to the Community This Spanish language presentation describes a recent project of Chiles Red Enlaces to widen access to ICT beyond the boundaries of the school building to the larger community. Through this initiative, computer labs provided by Enlaces will open for school community use and operate as training places in basic ICT skills, in extra-curricular hours. This strategy is part of a wider Government Literacy Campaign, which has the goal of training more than 500,000 people in basic ICT skills by the year 2005. Get More Detail
- Chinese Education and Research Network: Educational Technology This Chinese- and English-language website provides an overview of education technology policies in the People's Republic of China at elementary, secondary and tertiary levels. Get More Detail
- U.S.-China E-Language Project The promising practice document describes a joint research and development project between the U.S. Department of Education and the Chinese Ministry of Education to provide exchange and cooperation opportunities for the development of Internet-based language instruction known as the E-Language Learning System (ELLS). As a research and development endeavor between the two countries, the purpose of ELLS is to determine the viability and effectiveness of an Internet-based, second-language approach to instruction for middle school students through the integrated use of animation, gaming techniques, and voice recognition. Get More Detail
- Using ICT to Prepare Learners for the 21st Century: The Perspectives of Eastern APEC Economies This draft article was written by a researcher from China's Tsinghua University, Dr. Jianwei Zhang, for the APEC Summit on Education Reform. The paper depicts an overview of the development of ICT in schools in Eastern APEC economies. This includes planning and management, hardware infrastructures, resources and services, staff development, and the practices of educationally using ICT. The cultural impacts and directions for the future development are also discussed focusing on the widespread uses and integrations of ICT in education that can enhance sustainable innovations. Get More Detail
- Teachers’ School-Based Practice and Action Study: Professional Development Model for ICT Integration This power point presentation, prepared for the 3rd APEC Education Ministerial Meeting as a case study, provides information about China's approach to improving professional development and teachers' use of technology in education. Get More Detail
Chinese Taipei
- Chinese Taipei: Information Technology Use in Education This English-language document, written as a promising practice for the 2004 Summit on Education Reform in the APEC Region, describes Chinese Taipei's recent experiences with e-learning. The document focuses on efforts to support teachers’ professional ability and promoting e-learning activities for aboriginal people and in rural areas. Get More Detail
- Transforming the Digital Divide Into A Digital Opportunity Executive Summary describing the implementation of the APEC Digital Opportunity Project and Symposium sponsored by Chinese Taipei. Includes components on e-education as critical to capacity building. Get More Detail
- Challenge of eLearning on K-12 in Taiwan, The The paper summarizes the current reform status in K-12 schools in Taiwan. Two of the most significant projects that are associated with eLearning are introduced in the context of educational reform efforts discussing their pros and cons. The focus of the paper is on elaborating the challenges ahead in eLearning in the field of K-12 schools. The challenges consist of pedagogy shift, design of eLearning environments, production of eLearning content, evaluation issues, and roles changes in teachers, students, and parents respectively. Get More Detail
Hong Kong
- Information Technology in Education – Way Forward This English-language document reviews the achievements Hong Kong China's Education ICT plan - “Information Technology for Learning in a New Era: Five-year Strategy – 1998/99 to 2002/03.” The document proposes a vision in educational technology in the coming year and proposes the way forward. Available in Chinese as well. Get More Detail
- Basic Education Curriculum Guide-Building on Strengths (Primary 1-Secondary 3) The Basic Education Curriculum Guide from Hong Kong aims to help school heads and teachers reflect upon the strengths of their schools with reference to the main recommendations made in the Curriculum Development Council's (CDC) Report on "Learning to Learn - The Way Forward in Curriculum Development" (CDC, 2001), and then to decide how best to bring about the curriculum reform in the context of the school to achieve the aims of education and the overall aims of the school curriculum. Get More Detail
- Preliminary Study on Reviewing the Progress and Evaluating the Information Technology in Education Commissioned by the Education Department (ED) in Hong Kong, this study reviews and evaluates Government initiatives implementing Information Technology in Education (ITEd). The study was called for in "Information Technology for Learning in a New Era: Five-year Strategy 1998/99 to 2002/03." Get More Detail
- HKSAR Curriculum Development Institute This is an official website for the Curriculum Development Institute, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). An overview and relevant information about the curriculum development on 8 Key Learning Areas (KLA) (including Mathematics Education), resources and supporting materials are available. Get More Detail
- e-Japan Strategy This English-language document provides the first e-Japan Strategy which was formulated in 2001 to serve as Japan's basic IT strategy, including for schools. Nurturing ICT personnel and promotion of ICT learning were positioned as fundamental pillars under these strategies. In 2003, e-Japan Strategy II was released and an e-Japan Priority Plan is formulated annually as a concrete action plan. Get More Detail
- e-Japan Priority Policy Program (Summary) Index This slide from the Japan's IT Strategy Council describes the goals established for using IT to promote education and develop human resources. Specific goals have been established for elementary and secondary schools to be met by 2005, including a constant high-speed internet connection in all public schools and reaching a rate of 5.4 children per computer in every classroom. Get More Detail
- E-Japan Priority Plan-2003 This document provides an overview of Japan's Priority Plan outlining various policies for the application of ICT in education. The Plan emphasizes the cultivation of human resources and the promotion of education and learning. Get More Detail
- Informatization in Elementary and Secondary School in Japan This brief outlines Japan's recent plans to help students be able to use technology and the information it makes readily available. The information was distributed at the 3rd APEC Education Ministerial Meeting. Get More Detail
- Curriculum Standards from South Korea South Korea's education has also traditionally been excellent as suggested in international studies. But it has undertaken major efforts to reform its curriculum. This site includes an English version of its reformed currcullum structure and general goals. Get More Detail
- 1st APEC Future Education Forum This Forum convened in BEXCO, Busan, Korea on September 9 to 11 and brought together around 460 prominent scholars, experts, education administrators, and teachers from member ecomomies to discuss and investigate Future Society and States of Education--dealing with philosophy, vision, and practical strategies to operate ICT Model School Network--developing critieria for ideal future education model. Get More Detail
- 2002: Adapting Education to the Information Age A White Paper on the challenges of developing human resources in a knowledge-based society. The White Paper summarizes the current and domestic situation in Korea regarding ICT use in education. It includes current statistics and describes the current situation, current tasks, future vision and further steps of ICT use in education; from elementary and secondary education through continuing education. Get More Detail
- 2003: Adapting Education to the Information Age - A White Paper This English-language white paper, the fifth annual report, provides a comprehensive view of the rapid growth of technology, and supporting policies and projects in education in Korea. These activities set forth in Adapting ICT into Education Master Plan II 2001~2005 include reforms in elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, and lifelong education. Get More Detail
- EDUNET Educational Resource This Korean and English-language web portal, operated by KERIS (Korea Education & Research Information Service), provides K-12 teachers with instructional materials, classroom management materials, clinical supervision materials, online instructional materials, and public resources. Its features include e-learning, cyber teachers, computer simulations and animations, and teaching modules. Get More Detail
- 1st APEC Future Education Forum This Forum convened in BEXCO, Busan, Korea on September 9 to 11 and brought together around 460 prominent scholars, experts, education administrators, and teachers from member ecomomies to discuss and investigate Future Society and States of Education--dealing with philosophy, vision, and practical strategies to operate ICT Model School Network--developing critieria for ideal future education model. Get More Detail
- 2002: Adapting Education to the Information Age A White Paper on the challenges of developing human resources in a knowledge-based society. The White Paper summarizes the current and domestic situation in Korea regarding ICT use in education. It includes current statistics and describes the current situation, current tasks, future vision and further steps of ICT use in education; from elementary and secondary education through continuing education. Get More Detail
- APEC Youth Internet Volunteer (YIV) Program in Thailand - Project 1 A report on the activities of Korean University Youth Internet Volunteers with the Thai Rajmangala Institute of Technology Students Get More Detail
- APEC Youth Internet Volunteer (YIV) Program in Thailand - Project 2 A report on the activities of Korean Youth Internet Volunteers with the following Thai organizations and agencies: the Rajabhat Institute Suan Duist, the Office of National Primary Education Commission, the Educational Management Information System Center, and the Department of Vocational Education Get More Detail
- 1st APEC Future Education Forum This Forum convened in BEXCO, Busan, Korea on September 9 to 11 and brought together around 460 prominent scholars, experts, education administrators, and teachers from member ecomomies to discuss and investigate Future Society and States of Education--dealing with philosophy, vision, and practical strategies to operate ICT Model School Network--developing critieria for ideal future education model. Get More Detail
- Policy Paper on Information Technology Use in Education - 3rd APEC Education Ministerial Meeting This policy paper was written in preparation for the 3rd APEC Education Ministerial Meeting to lay out major recommendations to promote the effective use of education technology in the APEC region. The paper reviews major policy and research trends in the area, presents examples of practice from the region, and provides recommendations for further research and cooperative activities. Get More Detail
- Curriculum Standards from South Korea South Korea's education has also traditionally been excellent as suggested in international studies. But it has undertaken major efforts to reform its curriculum. This site includes an English version of its reformed currcullum structure and general goals. Get More Detail
- EDUSAT This site provides information on the Mexican government's educational satellite network, EDUSAT, which free access was offered to OAS member countries and the creation of the Educational Channel of the Americas (Channel 27). Get More Detail
- Mexico Education Progress Report 2001-2003 This Spanish language document points to a reports that details the educational progress made in the first three years of the present administration as a result of the effort between the central, state and municipal governments, with the participation of different sectors from society. Get More Detail
New Zealand
- LeadSpace The LeadSpace site was created by the New Zealand Ministry of Education for principals and school leaders to find web accessible resources relating to management and professional development. In addition school leads use this site to reach the Ministry's e-Admin and e-Net areas - password protected areas to discuss policy and access Ministry applications. e-Net Get More Detail
- Digital Horizons: Learning Through ICT - A strategy for schools, 2002-2004 This report outlines New Zealand's ICT Strategy for Schools. The Strategy was first launched in 1998. This revised edition details achievements from the first two year ICT Strategy plans and lays out goals and strategies in ICT for the coming two-years for learners, teachers, school leaders and Maori students in particular. Get More Detail
- APEC Links Links to Ministry of Education technology plans, reports on educational technology implementation projects, and research and evaluation from around APEC Get More Detail
- Curriculum Standards of Singapore Singapore has consistently excelled in international comparative studies in mathematics and sceince. Many researchers have attributed its success to its well organized curriculum. At this site, organized by the Singaporean Ministry of Education, you can curriculum standards or subject syllabuses as they are referred to as in Singapore. Get More Detail
- APEC Links Links to Ministry of Education technology plans, reports on educational technology implementation projects, and research and evaluation from around APEC Get More Detail
- Empowering Schools with Information Technology: The Singapore Masterplan for Information Technology This discussion paper provides an overview of Singapore's Masterplan for improving schools access to and use of information technology in education. The paper describe's the implementation of the plan, achievements and assessment of the outcomes. Get More Detail
- APEC Links Links to Ministry of Education technology plans, reports on educational technology implementation projects, and research and evaluation from around APEC Get More Detail
- Empowering Schools with Information Technology: The Singapore Masterplan for Information Technology This discussion paper provides an overview of Singapore's Masterplan for improving schools access to and use of information technology in education. The paper describe's the implementation of the plan, achievements and assessment of the outcomes. Get More Detail
- Curriculum Standards of Singapore Singapore has consistently excelled in international comparative studies in mathematics and sceince. Many researchers have attributed its success to its well organized curriculum. At this site, organized by the Singaporean Ministry of Education, you can curriculum standards or subject syllabuses as they are referred to as in Singapore. Get More Detail
- Policy Paper on Information Technology Use in Education - 3rd APEC Education Ministerial Meeting This policy paper was written in preparation for the 3rd APEC Education Ministerial Meeting to lay out major recommendations to promote the effective use of education technology in the APEC region. The paper reviews major policy and research trends in the area, presents examples of practice from the region, and provides recommendations for further research and cooperative activities. Get More Detail
- Curriculum Standards of Singapore Singapore has consistently excelled in international comparative studies in mathematics and sceince. Many researchers have attributed its success to its well organized curriculum. At this site, organized by the Singaporean Ministry of Education, you can curriculum standards or subject syllabuses as they are referred to as in Singapore. Get More Detail
- Teachers professional development program in Thailand This document outlines a national effort in Thailand to revamp professional development programs using distance education via satellite. The paper articulates the challenges facing professional development, the specific activities undertaken, program monitoring and costs, and how the activity will be evaluated. Get More Detail
- English for Science and Technology in Thailand This promising practice document describes Thailand's English for Science and Technology, the first fully web-based English course, funded by the Thailand Graduate Institute for Science and Technology. It is designed to be a task-based course to teach integrated skills; listening, reading, pronunciation, and writing as well as science-related grammar and vocabulary. Get More Detail
- ICT for Direct Instruction and In-Service Training This report responded to a request for technical assistance in several areas of education technology in Thailand. The report reviewed current models of ICT education; the capacity of regional centers to provide distance training for teachers; proposed ICT support for teachers and students; monitoring of ICT effectiveness; support for rural schools; and associated costs. Get More Detail
- ICT for Direct Instruction and In-Service Training This English language report provides a framework and scenarios for in-service training of teachers and administrators in Thailand, especially at the secondary education level. This report provides also lays out a comprehensive design for in-service training and direct instruction through satellite delivery, local support for ICT direct instruction, and regional support for the local level. Get More Detail
United States
- Overview of Educational Technology at the U.S. Department of Education This brief piece provides an overview of the role of the U.S. Department of Education in supporting the use of educational technology in schools in America. The paper describes how technology is incorporated in No Child Left Behind to support students, teachers, and administrators, as well as to evaluate the value of educational technology. Get More Detail
- ThinkFinity: Literacy, Education, and Technology Thinkfinity is the Verizon Foundation’s digital learning platform designed to improve educational and literacy achievement. Get More Detail
- Web-based Education Commission Home Page The web site of a U.S. Congressional commission developed to study and research policies relating to web-based learning in elementary, secondary and post-secondary schools. Includes the Commission's Report - The Power of the Internet for Learning: Moving from Promise to Practice. Get More Detail
- National Educational Technology Standards Project The National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) Project is developing standards to guide educational leaders in recognizing and addressing the essential conditions for effective use of technology to support Pre K-12 education in the United States. Get More Detail
- 2020 Vision: Transforming Education and Training through Advanced Technology A report on the future of education technology in the United States by a number of distinguished individuals and teams from a wide range of technology and education fields. Get More Detail
- U.nited States National Education Technology Plan This Web site hosts information about the United States Department of Education' s recently released National Education Technology Plan and the seven key steps it outlines: strengthening leadership, innovative budgeting, teacher training, supporting e-learning, encouraging broad band access, moving towards digital content, and integrating data systems. The site contains the plan as well as student comments, examples of successful schools, and suggested next steps. Get More Detail
- 1st APEC Future Education Forum This Forum convened in BEXCO, Busan, Korea on September 9 to 11 and brought together around 460 prominent scholars, experts, education administrators, and teachers from member ecomomies to discuss and investigate Future Society and States of Education--dealing with philosophy, vision, and practical strategies to operate ICT Model School Network--developing critieria for ideal future education model. Get More Detail
- Florida Virtual School Evaluation Evaluations from Florida’s on-line school highlight the strengths and weaknesses of e-learning Get More Detail
- Connected to the Future: A Report on Children's Internet Use This report examines the trends and implications of U.S. children connecting to the Internet--and to their future. Get More Detail
- New South Wales Science and Technology Syllabus and Support Documents This Australian website provides educational resources for teaching Science and Technology to students grades K-6. It includes the "Science and Technology Syllabus and Support Document," which provides expected learning outcomes for students, as well as "Science and Technology Outcomes and Indicators" and "K-6 Science and Technology in Action - Updates from the Classroom." Get More Detail
- e-Learning: Putting a World-Class Education at the Fingertips of All Children The Executive Summary of America's 1996 National Educational Technology Plan. Get More Detail
- Saskatchewan Educational Technology Consortium This website provides information about Saskatchewan, Canada's Educational Technology Consortium, which has been created to lead the use of technology through partnerships and collaboration to achieve the goals of K-12 public education in Saskatchewan. The Consortium is working with Saskatchewan Learning to connect teachers and students to each other and the world through CommunityNet; working collaboratively with school divisions to develop web-based learning resources; supporting innovative teaching and learning; and providing leadership for e-business opportunities in the education sector. Get More Detail
- Technology Infused Projects Information about an initiative in a U.S. high school to facilitate communication for severely disabled students via the Internet. This initiative helped to expand the use of technology throughout the entire school. Get More Detail
- Data from TIMSS on Teachers and Instruction This U.S. document is a compilation of excerpts, presented in a spreadsheet, that relate to mathematic teachers and instruction. They are taken from the 1999 Third International Mathematics and Science Study prepared by Boston College (in English). Get More Detail
- MIT OpenCourseWare This English-language website from the U.S. university, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, provides free, searchable, access to MIT's course materials for educators, students, and self-learners around the world. The goal of OpenCourseWare is in part to create an efficient, standards-based model that other institutions may emulate to openly share and publish their own course materials. OCW currently contains over 500 courses for free use around the world. Get More Detail
- U.S.-China E-Language Project The promising practice document describes a joint research and development project between the U.S. Department of Education and the Chinese Ministry of Education to provide exchange and cooperation opportunities for the development of Internet-based language instruction known as the E-Language Learning System (ELLS). As a research and development endeavor between the two countries, the purpose of ELLS is to determine the viability and effectiveness of an Internet-based, second-language approach to instruction for middle school students through the integrated use of animation, gaming techniques, and voice recognition. Get More Detail
- Florida Virtual School Florida Virtual School (FLVS) is a statewide, Internet-based, public high school offering a rigorous curriculum online. FLVS provides high level of interactivity, welcome calls, monthly progress, reports, Interaction via email, phone, and course chatroom Get More Detail
- 1st APEC Future Education Forum This Forum convened in BEXCO, Busan, Korea on September 9 to 11 and brought together around 460 prominent scholars, experts, education administrators, and teachers from member ecomomies to discuss and investigate Future Society and States of Education--dealing with philosophy, vision, and practical strategies to operate ICT Model School Network--developing critieria for ideal future education model. Get More Detail
- What Works in Distance Learning This report from a U.S. university documents progress on research as to what works in distance learning. The report examines "what works" in instructional strategies, multimedia, learning strategies, assessment strategies, and managment strategies. The authors then examine implementation issues and suggest next steps. Get More Detail
- Striking Balance of Shared Perspectives: Indigenous Technologies and Open Sources..., A This draft paper was prepared by a U.S. based research, Dr. Ricki Goldman, for the Summit on Education Reform in the APEC Region. The paper reviews a number of emerging technologies being employed in primarily U.S. educational settings and reflects on what currently is NOT happening on-line that might further education. Get More Detail
- National Leadership Institute Toolkit An internet toolkit developed to help U.S. states implement the No Child Left Behind Act. The site addresses Scientifically Based Research, Technology Literacy Assessment, Common Data Elements, Effective Teaching with Technology Assessment, and the National Education Tecnology Plan. Get More Detail
- e-learning Ontario (Canada) In September 2005, the Minister of Education of Ontario, Canada created e-learning Ontario from its previous program Ontario Knowledge Network for Learning (OKLN) to provide public education through on-line courses and digital resources. This Canadian web portal is available in English and French. Get More Detail
- Trends in the Integration of ICT and Learning in K-12 Systems This brief paper prepared for the Canadian group, SchoolNet, describes aspects of the current context of education in Canada, selected trends in the integration of information and communications technologies (ICT) for learning in the kindergarten to grade education systems and offers observations about emerging visions of effective ICT integration. The ideas presented represent a synthesis of information reviewed in research, reports, policy papers, selected seminars and surveys. A bibliography of sources is provided. References are included only when a specific resource has been relied upon. Get More Detail
- Connected to the Future: A Report on Children's Internet Use This report examines the trends and implications of U.S. children connecting to the Internet--and to their future. Get More Detail
- Retrospective on Twenty Years of Education Technology Policy, A This U.S. paper provides an overview and analysis of twenty years of key policy reports addressing the challenges and opportunities involved in integrating technology into K-12 education in the United States. The report summarizes recommendations made in these reports, and comments on the shifting rationales for and expectations of educational technology investments that have shaped those recommendations over time. Get More Detail
- STaR Chart School technology and Readiness (StaR) Chart is a self-assessment tool designed to provide U.S. schools with information to better integrate technology into their educational processes. Outlines four school profiles ranging from those with little or no technology to innovative models for integrating education technology. Get More Detail
- Young Children’s Access to Computers in the Home and at School in 1999 and 2000 A statistical report describing the availability of computers to young American children in 1999 and the purposes for which they were used in a variety of settings. Get More Detail
- Rubric for Technology Professional Development, A A framework for school professional development staff, administrators and teachers to design and evaluate professional development programs focused on integrating technology into the curriculum. This resource was developed by a U.S. University. Get More Detail
- In Time Enables educators to watch online video vignettes of PreK-12 teachers from various grades and subjects integrate technology into their classrooms. The project is sponsored by colleges of education from several U.S. universities. Get More Detail
- Future Kids This for-profit site helps schools around the world improve student performance using technology. The site provides information on aligning professional development with curriculum and includes case studies and articles on using educational technology. Get More Detail
- Technology as Facilitator of Quality Education Model Provides a model assisting teachers with development of cooperative learning opportunities for students. The project is sponsored by colleges of education at several U.S. universities. Information is available in multiple languages including Chinese, Spanish, and Russian. Get More Detail
- Education of Teachers of Science, Mathematics and Technology: New Practices for the New Millennium Report providing recommendations to improve the quality of teaching in math, science, and technology in the United States. Get More Detail
- 1st APEC Future Education Forum This Forum convened in BEXCO, Busan, Korea on September 9 to 11 and brought together around 460 prominent scholars, experts, education administrators, and teachers from member ecomomies to discuss and investigate Future Society and States of Education--dealing with philosophy, vision, and practical strategies to operate ICT Model School Network--developing critieria for ideal future education model. Get More Detail
- Suggestions, Tools, and Guidelines for Assessing Technology in Elementary and Secondary Education This handbook provides a wide-range of options and suggestions for technology administrators and school leaders to assess whether and how effectively technology is being used in their schools. Get More Detail
- Interactive School Technology and Readiness (STaR) Chart This self-assessment tool was designed to provide schools, and school systems, with information to better integrate technology into their educational process. The STaR Chart identifies four levels of technological development and provides benchmarks at each level in infrastucture, professional development support, and content against which to measure. Get More Detail
- MIT OpenCourseWare This English-language website from the U.S. university, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, provides free, searchable, access to MIT's course materials for educators, students, and self-learners around the world. The goal of OpenCourseWare is in part to create an efficient, standards-based model that other institutions may emulate to openly share and publish their own course materials. OCW currently contains over 500 courses for free use around the world. Get More Detail
- e-learning Ontario (Canada) In September 2005, the Minister of Education of Ontario, Canada created e-learning Ontario from its previous program Ontario Knowledge Network for Learning (OKLN) to provide public education through on-line courses and digital resources. This Canadian web portal is available in English and French. Get More Detail
- Information and Communication Technologies for Education in Asia-Pacific This website was set up to provide information about the many activities and achievements under the ICT in Education Programme, implemented overall by UNESCO Bangkok and supported by Japanese Funds-in-Trust. The site also serves as a clearinghouse of everything you need to know concerning the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. This website also provides country-specific information regarding the use of ICT in education and how ICT is being implemented into education systems. Get More Detail
- Getting America's Students Ready for the 21st Century: Meeting the Technology Literacy Challenge Outlines America's vision for the future, the four pillars for implementing technology effectively in U.S. public schools, and a plan of action. Get More Detail
- Open Educational Resources Commons OER Commons is the first comprehensive open learning network where teachers and professors (from pre-K to graduate school) can access their colleagues’ course materials, share their own, and collaborate on affecting today’s classrooms. Get More Detail
- Teacher Tube An online community for sharing instructional videos, which seeks to fill a need for a more educationally focused, safe venue for teachers, schools, and home learners. Get More Detail
- National Leadership Institute Toolkit An internet toolkit developed to help U.S. states implement the No Child Left Behind Act. The site addresses Scientifically Based Research, Technology Literacy Assessment, Common Data Elements, Effective Teaching with Technology Assessment, and the National Education Tecnology Plan. Get More Detail