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All APEC members are faced with the issue of how to effectively prepare multi-lingual citizens who can appreciate the culture of and communicate with speakers of other languages. In many APEC member economies, foreign language has historically occupied an important place in the school curriculum. Because of the primacy of English in diplomacy and trade today, many APEC members from Eastern economies have further stressed English language education, extended this to the early elementary grades, and raised their expectations for proficiency. English speaking economies, on the other hand, find it hard to motivate their students to take a foreign language in high school and to find teachers qualified to teach a language other than English.




  • Secondary English for Adult Learners (S.E.A.L.) Program in Quebec for teaching English as a second language to adults, with both broad goals (comprehension, expression) and specific activities on how goals are achieved (participation in dialogue, reading newspaper, etc.) Get More Detail

  • Effective Language Education Practices: Policy, Research, and Pedagogy This presentation on foreign language was provided by Dr. Patricia Duff at the International Seminar held in conjunction with the 3rd APEC Education Ministerial Meeting. The presentation covered language education policy and current standards, reviewed research on age of foreign language acquisition, and current foreign language teaching methods in a historical context. Get More Detail

  • Secondary English for Adult Learners (S.E.A.L.) Program in Quebec for teaching English as a second language to adults, with both broad goals (comprehension, expression) and specific activities on how goals are achieved (participation in dialogue, reading newspaper, etc.) Get More Detail

  • Foreign Language Policies, Research, and Educational Possibilities: A Western Perspective This draft paper was prepared by a Canadian based researcher, Dr. Patricia Duff, for the APEC Summit on Education Reform. The paper highlights current issues in foreign language learning policy, research, and instructional practice, primarily in the U.S. and Canada. The author reflects on the importance of cross-program articulation, assessment, teacher education in both foreign language proficiency and appropriate teaching methods and materials; consideration for the timing, duration, intensity and content of teaching; the effective use of technology and other media; and the need to pay attention to the skill areas most needed by students for their ultimate foreign language purposes. Get More Detail

  • Saskatchewan Assessment & Evaluation Unit This information website provides the various assesment instruments used in Saskatchewan, Canada. Get More Detail

  • Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1–8: English As a Second Language and English Literacy, The This Resource Guide from Ontario, Canada describes programs and procedures that support students who are from countries or communities in which standard Canadian English is not the primary language of communication and who may have difficulty meeting the expectations of the Ontario curriculum because of their lack of proficiency in English.Teachers should use this resource guide in conjunction with the various curriculum policy documents that make up the Ontario curriculum for Grades 1 to 8.The guide has been designed to help schools and classroom teachers provide the accommodations and modifications that will enable students from a variety of linguistic, ethnocultural, and educational backgrounds to participate as quickly and as fully as possible and to achieve the expectations of the Ontario curriculum. (In English) Get More Detail



  • Chinese English Standards This is an unofficial translation of the People's Republic of China's English Language Teaching Standards. Get More Detail

  • U.S.-China E-Language Project The promising practice document describes a joint research and development project between the U.S. Department of Education and the Chinese Ministry of Education to provide exchange and cooperation opportunities for the development of Internet-based language instruction known as the E-Language Learning System (ELLS). As a research and development endeavor between the two countries, the purpose of ELLS is to determine the viability and effectiveness of an Internet-based, second-language approach to instruction for middle school students through the integrated use of animation, gaming techniques, and voice recognition. Get More Detail

  • China’s English Language Teaching at School Today: A Report on Policies and Reform, Progress ... This English language slide presentation was created for the 2004 Summit on Education Reform in the APEC region to report on English language instruction policy in China today. The power point slides cover general policies and reform directions in China, including professional development and textbook design, and examines current challenges and future directions in English language instruction. Get More Detail

Chinese Taipei

Hong Kong




  • The Korean National School Curriculum: English Unofficial translation prepared by Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation of the “National Curriculum: English.” Concerns grades 3-10, with detailed objectives, assessments, and learning and teaching methods. Get More Detail

  • Curriculum Standards from South Korea South Korea's education has also traditionally been excellent as suggested in international studies. But it has undertaken major efforts to reform its curriculum. This site includes an English version of its reformed currcullum structure and general goals. Get More Detail

  • Language Learning Standards: Korean Case As part of EDNET’S “Seminar on Language Standards and their Assessment” Project, this paper highlights a case study in Korea. Get More Detail

  • EDUNET Educational Resource This Korean and English-language web portal, operated by KERIS (Korea Education & Research Information Service), provides K-12 teachers with instructional materials, classroom management materials, clinical supervision materials, online instructional materials, and public resources. Its features include e-learning, cyber teachers, computer simulations and animations, and teaching modules. Get More Detail

  • Curriculum Standards from South Korea South Korea's education has also traditionally been excellent as suggested in international studies. But it has undertaken major efforts to reform its curriculum. This site includes an English version of its reformed currcullum structure and general goals. Get More Detail

  • The Korean National School Curriculum: English Unofficial translation prepared by Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation of the “National Curriculum: English.” Concerns grades 3-10, with detailed objectives, assessments, and learning and teaching methods. Get More Detail

  • Curriculum Standards from South Korea South Korea's education has also traditionally been excellent as suggested in international studies. But it has undertaken major efforts to reform its curriculum. This site includes an English version of its reformed currcullum structure and general goals. Get More Detail

  • A Study on the 7th National Curriculum Implementation at the Secondary Schools Level This study looked into the procedures of and the status of the implementation of the new 7th National Curriculum at secondary school level (7th through 10th grades). It examined, a) the processes taken by the local boards of education of facilitating the schools with the new curriculum implementation and, b) the schools and the teachers for the actual implementation of the 10 core subject matters in classrooms. Get More Detail

  • Language Learning Standards: Korean Case As part of EDNET’S “Seminar on Language Standards and their Assessment” Project, this paper highlights a case study in Korea. Get More Detail

  • Curriculum Standards from South Korea South Korea's education has also traditionally been excellent as suggested in international studies. But it has undertaken major efforts to reform its curriculum. This site includes an English version of its reformed currcullum structure and general goals. Get More Detail

  • A Study on the 7th National Curriculum Implementation at the Secondary Schools Level This study looked into the procedures of and the status of the implementation of the new 7th National Curriculum at secondary school level (7th through 10th grades). It examined, a) the processes taken by the local boards of education of facilitating the schools with the new curriculum implementation and, b) the schools and the teachers for the actual implementation of the 10 core subject matters in classrooms. Get More Detail


New Zealand


  • Curriculum Standards of Singapore Singapore has consistently excelled in international comparative studies in mathematics and sceince. Many researchers have attributed its success to its well organized curriculum. At this site, organized by the Singaporean Ministry of Education, you can curriculum standards or subject syllabuses as they are referred to as in Singapore. Get More Detail

  • Singapore's English Language Syllabus 2001 for Primary and Secondary School This document from the Curriculum Planning and Development Division of the Singaporean Ministry of Education provides the school curriculum and expected learning outcomes for English, as one of Singapore's four official languages. Get More Detail

  • Singapore Subject Syllabuses Detailed syllabi broken down by skills to be learned at the end of every two years (grades 1-10). Includes English language and literature (2001), math (2007), science (2008) and Chinese language and literature (2007, in Chinese). Get More Detail

  • Curriculum Standards of Singapore Singapore has consistently excelled in international comparative studies in mathematics and sceince. Many researchers have attributed its success to its well organized curriculum. At this site, organized by the Singaporean Ministry of Education, you can curriculum standards or subject syllabuses as they are referred to as in Singapore. Get More Detail

  • Singapore Subject Syllabuses Detailed syllabi broken down by skills to be learned at the end of every two years (grades 1-10). Includes English language and literature (2001), math (2007), science (2008) and Chinese language and literature (2007, in Chinese). Get More Detail

  • Curriculum Standards of Singapore Singapore has consistently excelled in international comparative studies in mathematics and sceince. Many researchers have attributed its success to its well organized curriculum. At this site, organized by the Singaporean Ministry of Education, you can curriculum standards or subject syllabuses as they are referred to as in Singapore. Get More Detail


United States

  • The Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM) The Gateway to Education Materials (GEM) is a web portal that is a consortium effort to provide educators with quick and easy access to thousands of educational resources found on various federal, state, university, non-profit, and commericial Internet sites. Get More Detail

  • Global Learning Portal The GLP web portal was jointly developed by the Academy for Educational Development (AED), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and Sun Microsystems in response to the "Education For All" goals. It uses the Internet to help customers participate in global communities of educators without ever traveling abroad. Customers can share and collaboratively develop education-focused resources such as lesson plans, reports and case studies. Members can create personal profiles and search profiles of fellow members to find colleagues around the globe who are interested in collaboration. Education-related topics can be explored through discussion forums and collaborative projects. Get More Detail

  • Teaching Language for National Security and American Competitiveness American students must master critical need foreign language skills for our nation to remain competitive and continue the progress in securing our nation. Together with the Departments of State and Defense and the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Education is proposing to establish grants and train teachers under President Bush's National Security Language Initiative. Get More Detail

  • International Studies and Language Security Policy Paper The Importance of International Studies and Foreign Language Education for U.S. Economic and National Security Get More Detail

  • Better High Schools This U.S. site of the National High School Center links research and resources for better high schools. The National High School Center is a central source of information and expertise on high school improvement issues for the Regional Comprehensive Centers. In helping the Comprehensive Centers build capacity of states across the nation to effectively implement the goals of No Child Left Behind relating to high schools. It identifies effective programs and tools, offers friendly products and provides high-quality technical assistance to support the use of research-based approaches within high school learning communities. Get More Detail

  • Curriculum Standards from the State of Michigan Michigan's content standards are a set of learning expectations developed by parents, educators, business leaders and university professors to assist schools in the development of local district curricula. These standards and more detailed learning objectives called /benchmarks/ are contained within the Michigan Curriculum Framework. In addition, Michigan has recently developed nationally recognized English Language Arts and Mathematics Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCE) providing K-8 educators with meaningful tools to better align what is taught with what is tested in the classroom. This site includes all curriculum standards from the State of Michigan Get More Detail

  • U.S.-China E-Language Project The promising practice document describes a joint research and development project between the U.S. Department of Education and the Chinese Ministry of Education to provide exchange and cooperation opportunities for the development of Internet-based language instruction known as the E-Language Learning System (ELLS). As a research and development endeavor between the two countries, the purpose of ELLS is to determine the viability and effectiveness of an Internet-based, second-language approach to instruction for middle school students through the integrated use of animation, gaming techniques, and voice recognition. Get More Detail

  • Global Learning Portal The GLP web portal was jointly developed by the Academy for Educational Development (AED), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and Sun Microsystems in response to the "Education For All" goals. It uses the Internet to help customers participate in global communities of educators without ever traveling abroad. Customers can share and collaboratively develop education-focused resources such as lesson plans, reports and case studies. Members can create personal profiles and search profiles of fellow members to find colleagues around the globe who are interested in collaboration. Education-related topics can be explored through discussion forums and collaborative projects. Get More Detail

  • Curriculum Standards from the State of Michigan Michigan's content standards are a set of learning expectations developed by parents, educators, business leaders and university professors to assist schools in the development of local district curricula. These standards and more detailed learning objectives called /benchmarks/ are contained within the Michigan Curriculum Framework. In addition, Michigan has recently developed nationally recognized English Language Arts and Mathematics Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCE) providing K-8 educators with meaningful tools to better align what is taught with what is tested in the classroom. This site includes all curriculum standards from the State of Michigan Get More Detail

  • Standards for the English Language Arts (U.S.) The National Council of Teachers of English is devoted to improving the teaching and learning of English and the language arts at all levels of education. These standards assume that literacy growth begins before children enter school as they experience and experiment with literacy activities—reading and writing, and associating spoken words with their graphic representations. Recognizing this fact, these standards encourage the development of curriculum and instruction that make productive use of the emerging literacy abilities that children bring to school. Furthermore, the standards provide ample room for the innovation and creativity essential to teaching and learning. They are not prescriptions for particular curriculum or instruction. Get More Detail

  • Lets Do It Together: A Pilot Project of English Teachers Empowerment Through e-Learning in Malang As part of EDNET’S “Seminar on Language Standards and their Assessment” Project, this paper highlights a case study in Indonesia. Get More Detail

  • One Ruler, Many Tests As part of EDNET’S “Seminar on Language Standards and their Assessment” Project, this paper highlights Test equating (ITR, MITR), Item Banks, Computer Adaptive Testing, and Lexile scales as psychometric tools having value for the development of an APEC Item Bank. Get More Detail

  • The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment As part of EDNET’S “Seminar on Language Standards and their Assessment” Project, this paper highlights The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Get More Detail

  • One Ruler, Many Tests As part of EDNET’S “Seminar on Language Standards and their Assessment” Project, this paper highlights Test equating (ITR, MITR), Item Banks, Computer Adaptive Testing, and Lexile scales as psychometric tools having value for the development of an APEC Item Bank. Get More Detail

  • The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment As part of EDNET’S “Seminar on Language Standards and their Assessment” Project, this paper highlights The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Get More Detail

  • Lets Do It Together: A Pilot Project of English Teachers Empowerment Through e-Learning in Malang As part of EDNET’S “Seminar on Language Standards and their Assessment” Project, this paper highlights a case study in Indonesia. Get More Detail

  • The Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM) The Gateway to Education Materials (GEM) is a web portal that is a consortium effort to provide educators with quick and easy access to thousands of educational resources found on various federal, state, university, non-profit, and commericial Internet sites. Get More Detail

  • Global Learning Portal The GLP web portal was jointly developed by the Academy for Educational Development (AED), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and Sun Microsystems in response to the "Education For All" goals. It uses the Internet to help customers participate in global communities of educators without ever traveling abroad. Customers can share and collaboratively develop education-focused resources such as lesson plans, reports and case studies. Members can create personal profiles and search profiles of fellow members to find colleagues around the globe who are interested in collaboration. Education-related topics can be explored through discussion forums and collaborative projects. Get More Detail

  • Better High Schools This U.S. site of the National High School Center links research and resources for better high schools. The National High School Center is a central source of information and expertise on high school improvement issues for the Regional Comprehensive Centers. In helping the Comprehensive Centers build capacity of states across the nation to effectively implement the goals of No Child Left Behind relating to high schools. It identifies effective programs and tools, offers friendly products and provides high-quality technical assistance to support the use of research-based approaches within high school learning communities. Get More Detail

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