By Topic > Other > Reforming Management (50)
In 2000, APEC’s Education Ministers emphasized the growing importance of quality leadership, systematic management strategies and adequate resources for all students to benefit educationally. Monitoring of outcomes and use of data have become increasingly important at the school, system, and global levels as part of a continuous improvement process. The following address improved appraisal and assessment systems and other education management tools.
- Ontario Mathematics Grades 1-8 Curriculum This document provides a rigorous and challenging curriculum for students of Ontario in Math in Grade 1 to Grade 8. The required knowledge and skills for each grade set high standards and identify what parents and the public can expect children to learn in the schools of Ontario. Get More Detail
- Saskatchewan Assessment & Evaluation Unit This information website provides the various assesment instruments used in Saskatchewan, Canada. Get More Detail
- Linking Provincial Student Assessments with National and International Assessments This study was developed to examine technical procedures that may enable Canadian ministries of education to link provincial tests with national and international tests so that standards can be compared and results reported on a common scale. Get More Detail
- Provincial Testing This website provides comprehensive information about assessment testing in from Alberta, Canada (available in English and French) in a range of core subject areas. Alberta Learning conducts achievement tests in Grade 3, 6, and 9 and develops provincial Grade 12 diploma examinations. Information about provincial assessments, including samples questions with student responses can be accessed at this site. Get More Detail
- Saskatchewan Assessment for Learning This promising practice document from Saskatchewan, Canada describes the Assessment for Learning provincial mathematics pilot pre-2004. The project provides student opportunity-to-learn and achievement outcome data to divisions and schools throughout the province, and engages teachers and other participants in using the data to inform improvement plans and interventions toward improving student learning outcomes in mathematics. Get More Detail
- Provincial Student Assessment Program BC students participate in four types of assessments: Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA); Provincial Learning Assessment; National and International Assessments; Grade 10-12 Provincial Examinations. Get More Detail
- Provincial Testing Alberta Education offers 2 types of provincial tests: the Grade 12 Diploma Examinations, and the Grade 3, 6 and 9 Achievement tests. Information is also provided on SAIP, TIMSS, and PISA assessments and the High School Equivalency GED test. Get More Detail
- Assessment and Evaluation - Kindergarden to Senior 4 Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth carries out provincial assessments based on provincial curricula referred to as standards tests. The department also provides expertise and support in the areas of assessment, evaluation, statistics, research and computer pro gramming. Manitoba is also involved in national and international testing programs Get More Detail
- Évaluation Le programme d'évaluation de Manitoba comprend les volets suivants : l'évaluation sommative des apprentissages à la fin d'un semestre ou de l'année scolaire; l'évaluation des apprentissages, obligatoire au tout début de la 3e année; le développement d'outils pour l'évaluation de la lecture et des projets d'écriture en français; la participation à des programmes de testage nationaux et internationaux. Get More Detail
- Assessments for Learning The Education, Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) assesses all students in Grade 3 and Grade 6 in reading, writing and mathematics. EQAO administers two secondary assessments. The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test is administered in October each year. The Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics is administered in January to students enrolled in first-semester mathematics courses and in May/June to students enrolled in second-semester and full-year courses. EQAO also coordinates Ontario's participation in national and international assessments. Get More Detail
- Direction de l'évaluation Education, Loisir et Sport’s site offers a variety of Information Documents on examinations from elementary to secondary education, available in English, but located on the French site. Get More Detail
- K-12 Anglophone Sector The Assistant Deputy Minister in the New Brunswick Department of Education is responsible for the English Educational Services Division, which includes evaluation and student assessment. There is both monitoring of student achievement through provincial examinations and also monitoring of school effectiveness through a school review process. Get More Detail
- Secteur francophone Le sous-ministre adjoint à l’enseignement est responsable du bon fonctionnement du secteur des services éducatifs francophones dont les secteurs des services pédagogiques et celui de la mesure et de l'évaluation. Le secteur de la mesure et de l’évaluation inclut le programme d'évaluation des apprentissages des élèves, les programmes d'évaluations pancanadiens et international, le programme d'évaluation des enseignants, le programme d'évaluation des directions d'école ainsi que le programme d'évaluation des écoles. Get More Detail
- Program of Learning Assessment for Nova Scotia The Evaluation Services Division administers the Program of Learning Assessment for Nova Scotia (PLANS). PLANS includes provincial, national, and international student assessments. Provincial assessments are conducted in elementary, junior high, and senior high schools. In senior high schools, provincial assessments are administered as Nova Scotia Examinations (NSE) in grade 12. Get More Detail
- Education - Student Assessments In Prince Edward Island. students participate in regional (Atlantic), national and international testing and assessment activities. Get More Detail
- Departmental Information - Evaluation and Research Division The Division of Evaluation and Research is responsible for program and student evaluation and student certification programs and services. This includes: international, national, regional and provincial testing and assessment activities; the Atlantic provinces common assessment program; high school certification and credit transfer program; adult education certification through the GED and the ABE equivalency programs. Get More Detail
- Student Assessment Programs Yukon schools began implementing a new assessment plan in the 1999-2000 school year. This plan represents a coherent and comprehensive testing strategy that will provide a good check of the educational system in terms of students’ learning in the two key areas of education: numeracy and literacy. Students will be assessed at important transition points in their school career - the completion of primary, intermediate, junior and secondary years. Get More Detail
- Student Assessment in Nunavut Schools This site offers a document entitled llitaunnikuliriniq Student Assessment in Nunavut Schools. This paper serves as an aid in understanding what is involved in the design and implementation of student assessment strategies in Nunavut schools. Get More Detail
- Welcome to Kindergarten - Grade 12 The Northwest Territories offers Alberta’s provincial tests: the Grade 12 Diploma Examinations, and the Grade 3, 6 and 9 Achievement tests to their students. Get More Detail
- Teacher Education/Educator Training: Current Trends and Future Directions This Canadian report documents the proceedings of the 2001 Pan-Canadian Education Research Agenda Symposium on teacher education/educator training that was held at the Laval University in Quebec City. The report includes information on commissioned research, research presentations, research authors, and the discussions that took place. Get More Detail
- New Brunswick Policy Statement on Education: A Quality Learning Agenda This French-language document provides an overview of New Brunswick, Canada's new ten-year agenda for K-12 education focusing on quality schools and high results. Get More Detail
- Alberta Initiative for School Improvement (AISI), The This site provides access to information from the Alberta Initiative for School Improvement (AISI), which was designed to improve student learning and performance by fostering initiatives that reflect the unique needs and circumstances within school jurisdictions. Since its inception hundreds of innovative AISI projects, contained in a clearinghouse on the site, including many in mathematics and science, have focused on improving student learning by encouraging teachers, parents and the community to work collaboratively to introduce innovative and creative initiatives. Get More Detail
Hong Kong
- Basic Education Curriculum Guide-Building on Strengths (Primary 1-Secondary 3) The Basic Education Curriculum Guide from Hong Kong aims to help school heads and teachers reflect upon the strengths of their schools with reference to the main recommendations made in the Curriculum Development Council's (CDC) Report on "Learning to Learn - The Way Forward in Curriculum Development" (CDC, 2001), and then to decide how best to bring about the curriculum reform in the context of the school to achieve the aims of education and the overall aims of the school curriculum. Get More Detail
- Quality Assurance for Schools This is an official website for the Quality Assurance Division, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. It provides information about the quality assurance framework, inspection, performance indicators for evaluating school performance and annual reports on Quality assurance inspection findings Get More Detail
- Education in Indonesia: Impact of the Crisis and Response. This is a short background paper from the World Bank about the impact of economic crisis on Indonesia's education system and the response of the Indonesian Government. Get More Detail
- Workshop on Efforts to Improve Teacher’s Status and Professionalism This English-language paper describes a workshop designed to address Indonesian teachers questions regarding national decentralization policies, such as how the decentralization process will affect the incentive structures faced by teachers, the process of assignment, evaluation and promotion, and dismissal of teachers? As well as what kinds of administrative and pedagogical supportIndonesian teachers can expect while on the job. The workshop resulted in the formulation of a strategic plan and recommendations to improve the status and professionalism of teachers. Get More Detail
- Promising Practice: Super English Language High Schools (SELHi) in Japan This promising practice, written in anticipation for the 3rd APEC Education Ministerial Meeting, describes the Japanese Ministry's new initiative to promote English-Language instruction: the Super English Language High Schools. Get More Detail
- Japanese Super Science High Schools (SSHs): An Overview This document, written in anticipation of the 3rd APEC Education Ministieral Meeting, provides an overview of the Japan's Super Science High Schools. These high school are designated by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to emphasize science, technology and math education. SSHs undertake research and development of innovative curricula with emphasis on science, technology and mathematics study and effective ways of collaborating with universities and research institutes. Get More Detail
- Innovative Education Programs in Mexico This paper was created for the 3rd APEC Educational Ministerial Meeting to describe Mexico's program to improve basic education in the region. The practice emphasizes the need for supplementary education in the areas of math, science, civics, art and languages. Get More Detail
- Mexico Education Progress Report 2001-2003 This Spanish language document points to a reports that details the educational progress made in the first three years of the present administration as a result of the effort between the central, state and municipal governments, with the participation of different sectors from society. Get More Detail
New Zealand
- LeadSpace The LeadSpace site was created by the New Zealand Ministry of Education for principals and school leaders to find web accessible resources relating to management and professional development. In addition school leads use this site to reach the Ministry's e-Admin and e-Net areas - password protected areas to discuss policy and access Ministry applications. e-Net Get More Detail
- National Certificate of Educational Achievement This website provides students and educators with information on the achievement standards, assessments, and rules and procedures related to obtaining New Zealand's National Certificate of Educational Achievement. Get More Detail
- New Zealand Numeracy Development Project This paper, written in preparation for the 3rd APEC Education Ministerial Meeting, provides an overview of New Zealand's Numeracy Development project. The project emphasizes the importance of clarifying expectations, improving professional capacity and community involvement in increasing student achievement. Get More Detail
- New Zealand Best Evidence Synthesis This site contains Best Evidence Synthesis reports. These documents are part of the New Zealand Ministry of Education's ongoing investment to strengthen the evidence base that informs education policy and practice. Get More Detail
- New Zealand Curriculum Stocktake 2002 Since 1991, the New Zealand Ministry of Education has worked on a complete revision, in English and Ma'ori, of the curriculum. This report analyses the reform experience in terms of: the appropriateness of the New Zealand curriculum and te marautanga o Aotearoa in the current educational, social and economic climate; the purposes of these curricula; and the quality of these curricula in contributing to improved student outcomes, meeting the expectations of a range of stakeholders and against comparable international curricula. Get More Detail
United States
- New Zealand Curriculum Stocktake 2002 Since 1991, the New Zealand Ministry of Education has worked on a complete revision, in English and Ma'ori, of the curriculum. This report analyses the reform experience in terms of: the appropriateness of the New Zealand curriculum and te marautanga o Aotearoa in the current educational, social and economic climate; the purposes of these curricula; and the quality of these curricula in contributing to improved student outcomes, meeting the expectations of a range of stakeholders and against comparable international curricula. Get More Detail
- Nation's Report Card, The The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as "the Nation's Report Card," is the only nationally representative and continuing assessment of what U.S. students know and can do in various subject areas. Get More Detail
- Using Data to Influence Classroom Decisions This report offers insight on how and why one should use data-driven results to improve teaching and learning in the classroom. Get More Detail
- NCLB: The Facts About Science Achievement This document describes how the United States No Child Left Behind Act aims to boost science achievement. Get More Detail
- Nation's Report Card, The The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as "the Nation's Report Card," is the only nationally representative and continuing assessment of what U.S. students know and can do in various subject areas. Get More Detail
- Quality School Portfolio Desktop A web-based tool offering schools a free downloadable program to analyze student data. The tool, developed at a U.S. university, provides a Data Manager enabling users to easily import, disaggregate and report data, as well as a Resource Kit with 21 surveys, questionnaires and observation protocols to help schools gather non-cognitive data. Get More Detail
- Education in Indonesia: Impact of the Crisis and Response. This is a short background paper from the World Bank about the impact of economic crisis on Indonesia's education system and the response of the Indonesian Government. Get More Detail
- Nation's Report Card, The The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as "the Nation's Report Card," is the only nationally representative and continuing assessment of what U.S. students know and can do in various subject areas. Get More Detail
- What Works Clearinghouse, The The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) was established in 2002 by the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences to provide educators, policymakers, researchers, and the public with a central and trusted source of scientific evidence of what works in education. Get More Detail
- Guide to Effective Accountability Reporting, A A guide to designing public reports that effectively communicate accountability, assessment, and other quantitative education indicators in an easily understood format. Get More Detail