By Topic > Using Technology > Practice > Out of School Learning (5)
This section provides examples of how educational technology is used outside of the formal school environment to enhance students' learning opportunities.
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All APEC Members
Chinese Taipei
APEC International Youth Camp This website provides information on an upcoming event promoting international exchange and providing a cooperative-learning forum for APEC member youths. The 2004 APEC International Youth Camp focuses on entrepreneurship and includes on-line cooperative activities prior to the in-person summer camp. Get More Detail
Hong Kong
Learning Community Project (LCP) The aim of this project is to support and investigate the development of life-long learning abilities in group collaborative learning contexts using technology, focusing on finding the relationships between the development of enquiry and knowledge-building abilities and the changing group dynamics and interaction patterns of the learners. Get More Detail
WorldMaker An on-line technological tool that allows users to easily construct computer models to explain abstract concepts, objects or events. WorldMakers enables even young children to create their own simulations. Teachers can use it to create and adapt simulations of scientific phenomena to make accessible abstract concepts explorable for a wide range of topics found in the school curriculum. Get More Detail