Education Ministers from 14 member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) met in Washington, D.C. in August 1992 at the invitation of the United States. They agreed to form an APEC Education Forum within APEC's Human Resources Development Working Group and to coordinate joint activities in the field of education. Representatives of ministries of education and other educational organizations from member economies participate in the Education Forum.
In January 2000, members of the Human Resources Development Working Group approved a restructuring plan which changed the Education Forum to the Education Network (EDNET). In April 2000, 20 Ministers of Education met in Singapore for the 2nd APEC Education Ministerial Meeting. They acknowledged the change in identity and the continuing cooperation on educational projects in the EDNET.
In April 2004, 19 members' education ministers met in Santiago, Chile, under the policy theme of "Skills for the Coming Challenges," to foster linkages and strengthen collaborative initiatives in the field of education. The ministers issued a
joint statement defining four priority areas for future network activities and listed accomplishments achieved during the period of 2000 through 2004